The Fespa 2018 show held in Mexico this year showcased the leading printer and ink distribution companies and became the largest one to date. This show ran from the 20th – 22nd September 2018 at the Centro Citibanamex in Mexico City and housed a host of different companies including Epson, Agfa, HP, OKI, Roland, and Polaroid to name a few of the over 150 companies that exhibited their latest ideas and innovations in ink, printing machines, sublimation, displays and more over the span of the 3 days.

This showcase in Mexico is just part of a global venture and this Expo has also been held in Johannesburg as part of the Fespa Africa 2018 leg and the Fepsa Eurasia 2018 leg will kick of from 6 – 9 December 2018.

The African leg is normally held in the middle of September, so it’s really not something to miss if you plan to see what’s to offer next year. It is a free event and definitely something exciting if you’re interested in the world of printing.

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