We all know by now that ink is the most expensive commodity in the world, but did you know that the Printing industry is one of the Largest in the world? We received some interesting facts and statistics about the printing industry to help put this in perspective.
How big is the printing industry?
As mentioned before, the printing industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Print eclipses auto-manufacturing and is more than 18X bigger than the video game industry. While print technology and applications are transforming, it is still growing every year worldwide. An average of 45 trillion pages are printed annually and business printing grows at 6.8% annually worldwide.
Here are the annual figures that will put everything into perspective:
- Video Game Industry – $ 33 Billion
- Online Advertising Industry – $ 47 Billion
- Music Industry – $ 67 Billion
- Auto Industry – $432 Billion
- Print Industry – $640 Billion
Printing is considered green.
Greenpeace Co-Founder, Dr. Partrick Moore made this statement: “To address climate change, we must use more wood, not less. Using wood sends signals to the marketplace to grow more trees.”
A lot of interests are competing for the market share today and as a result, the myth of print not being environmentally friendly has been very well promoted. The print industry in fact is not only environmentally friendly, but is one of the most sustainable industries around. This industry makes tremendous investments in applying renewable energy sources and creating environmentally friendly supplies.
Some interesting green printing facts:
- Spam Emails wastes 33 Billion Kilowatt hours annually. This number is equal to the greenhouse emissions to 3.1 million cars using ±80 000 kilo-liters of petrol.
- Reading a newspaper instead of online news produces 20% less CO²
- Only 11% of cut forest trees are used by the printing industries.
Printing drives commerce.
Digital marketing has become less effective while print has enjoyed an increase of conversion rates and marketing return on investment. People appreciate the printed form more than digital form. With 8 out of 10 people reading or browsing their advertising mail and 96% of news being read is still in print, it’s safe to say that the printed format is still the best way to communicate and market to current and potential customers.
- 1 Million printers are manufactured daily (consumer and commercial)
- You will generally read the same article 10-30% faster on paper compared to a computer screen.
- 28 Million business cards are printed daily
- Handing out 2000 business cards will give you an average 2.5% increase in business.
- Business cards printed every year, when stacked, would reach to the moon and back.
Printing is an effective and important tool that should never be forgotten and Trink’s ISO9001 compatible ink and toner cartridges can help you save money on the costs of printing those very important marketing materials or those once in a lifetime photo that needs a frame.
Save Big… Think Trink!!!