We’ve all been there. You want to start printing that ever important document, but then that unforeseen thing happens that grinds everything to a halt: You run out of ink and the very first thing you say is: “Ah, come on, seriously?!” You start scrounging around, searching everywhere for those cartridges you though you bought only to find out that you used the last one and have no spare ink cartridges to finish your print job. Your printer begins to look more like a scientific experiment on gravity and you the willing scientist who wants to see how fast a thrown printer reacts to the wall.

Running our of ink is never fun and causes an unnecessary increase in blood pressure and stress, so we decided to give you some helpful hints to perhaps prevent an accidental death of a printer:

Take note of your printer’s capabilities.

Each printer performs differently in different situations and environments, so take the time to know the capabilities and limitations of what your printer can or cannot do as this will give you an indication of how much and how often you are going to be replacing ink.

Stock up, but don’t over-stock.

Having stock is always important to make sure that you are prepared and ready for any untimely printer cartridge that goes on the blink. How much stock must you have? Well, this depends on your current project, but under normal circumstances where the printer will not be in use for a period of time, try not to keep stock that will lie in wait for more than 6 months.

Have a dedicated storage area for your extra cartridges.

When you are keeping stock of you ink, it will be good idea to have a dedicated space or storage area to keep your valuable ink. What is important to note is to keep your extra stock in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight to ensure that they don’t get any damage of any sort before even using them.

Also look at this article to learn more about how having the correct printing habits could save you from wasting unnecessary ink.

Save big… Think Trink.