About three years ago, Trink’s Directors came together to discuss a way to thank Trink’s loyal customers for all their support and for the great relationships that were built by its members.
It was that desire that would put into action another market leading idea that would bring a smile upon a lot of our current and new customers…
Trink’s Loyalty Card Program
It was this program that would allow our customers to experience a 5% discount on all our Star Ink Branded Compatible Toner and ink cartridges upon showing their Trink Loyalty Card. Not only would they have a 5% discount on all their Star Ink Branded compatible toners and cartridges, but also give its customers something that no other loyalty program can give:
Customers have the chance to win fabulous prizes with Trink’s Loyalty Card Competitions and regular Friday promotions give Trink’s customers the opportunity to either get a free cartridge or extra discount on their purchases. Customers get notified only via email which gives the feeling that this is an exclusive, although it isn’t.
It is this type of customer orientated service that Trink gives its customers that puts it above any other ink retailer in Africa. It’s just another way that Trink leads the way… And they like it that way!